Monday, January 29, 2018

What Symptoms Appear In Scabies?

What Symptoms Appear In Scabies?
What is the symptom of scabies early stage?
Core tip: Scabies is a highly contagious disease, it is caused by human-type scabies mites in the skin surface of the chronic infectious skin disease, what symptoms will occur when the disease?

Life tends to be brittle and seems to have a strong physique, is also suffering from illness. In the next second, there are a lot of variables, within a second can also go to a fresh life, in such a food chain, perhaps the human is a strong, but in the disease often will become vulnerable. Many diseases are in the people's mind is the thinnest place, inadvertently infected.

Scabies since there is such a large spread, then in the spread of what symptoms, disease if suffering from scabies, will appear: drama itching, pimples, hands with small blisters, scabies fear, light night heavy itching, scabies knot some symptoms.

Scabies classification also distinguishes several kinds of symptoms: (1) Adult scabies: The main symptoms are itching, small red papules, small blisters of herpes zoster, tunnels, nodules and scabs; (2) The elderly scabies: itching is serious, the reaction to mite is weaker, so there is no obvious inflammatory reaction, back more; Infantile scabies: It is difficult to find the tunnel and scabies mites, The rash form is atypical, good hair in the head face, the tunnel color is light and shallow in, faint like the line shape, the basement mild inflammation and pink, easy to accompany Shui disease, and easy to see through the stratum corneum spot, a small white dot-shaped protuberance; Nodular scabies: More common in the Ming capsule, buttocks, abdomen and the department. Red-Brown to the festival, the odd itch, months to more than 1 years before gradually subsided; Norwegian scabies: (Norwegianscabies) also known as callus skin scabies, this type of Dabielsen in 1844, 1848 first reported in Norway, a scabies of the special-shaped, it is called the Norwegian scabies. is an abnormal immune response, more than in the body weak, mental illness, Immune deficiency and a large number of patients using corticosteroids. Performance for the skin dry, scab, the appearance of excessive erythema scaly patches, can also appear erosion, pus blister, stench, hair dry off, nail thickening distortion, the whole body lymph node enlargement, scaly thick, severe disease, highly contagious; (6) localized scabies.

Scabies is a highly contagious disease, it is caused by human-type scabies mites parasitic in the human skin surface of the chronic infectious skin disease, mainly through close contact with infection, but also through clothing indirect transmission, can be in the family or the collective population, in order to their health, in life must be clean.


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