Monday, January 29, 2018

What Are The Symptoms Of Scabies Recurrence?

What Are The Symptoms Of Scabies Recurrence?
What are the specific symptoms of scabies?
Core tip: Scabies is caused by human-type scabies mites in the skin surface of the body of the chronic contagious skin disease, the disease is highly contagious, mainly through close contact with infection, can also be indirectly transmitted through clothing, can be in the family or the collective population. Mite parasitic in the skin, the excavation of the "tunnel" produces mechanical stimulation, and its secretions.

Everyone has a habit of everyone, the contact is not the same thing, including the source of infection is also different, then we all know what symptoms after scabies recurrence? There are many reasons for the recurrent onset of scabies, which may be a bad habit of life, It is also possible that mite is active. Scabies onset is very itchy, and often repeated episodes, with the size of the red soybean nodules, treatment inadvertently, but also may cause nephritis, hair follicle inflammation and other diseases.

Scabies recurrence Symptoms such as:

  • (1) Scabies nodules. In the scrotum, penis, labia, groin and other places in the red nodules of the size of soy, this is scabies nodules. The nodules are often prolonged and often accompanied by severe itching digestion.
  • (2) rash hair in the skin thin and tender place, especially in the finger seam, wrist flexion side, small abdomen, love breast, armpit, lower abdomen, groin, vagina and so on. The head and palmar plantar are not susceptible to involvement. The lesions are mainly of millet size of papules or shingles.
  • (3) The hand seam can be seen mite dug tunnel, a gray-brown irregular curve. This is the trace of the mite drilling line.
  • (4) Consciously play itching, especially at night. Paroxysmal itching at night.
Causes scabies in addition to parasitic in the human body of the scabies mites, parasitic in cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, cats, dogs and other animals on the animal scabies mites can also cause scabies. The pathogenic methods are generally divided into two kinds: one is the mechanical damage caused by excavation of the stratum corneum; Second, mite secretion of toxins to stimulate the skin itching. Its mode of transmission is also divided into two kinds, one is the infection of patients with the source of direct contact caused by human infection, the most common is sexual transmission; another spread is indirect transmission, some unsuspecting people, touch the scabies patients have touched the object, leading to this disease, Generally, the latter form of communication occurs in public places.

Scabies is easy to relapse in winter, and must pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life, to have been contaminated clothes, bedding and bed linen, etc. to be used to hot wash out the worm, go out to live to bathe, pay attention to change the bed linen. Treat scabies, must go to professional normal hospital, can avoid because the treatment does not completely cause the repeated attack of scabies .


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