Monday, January 29, 2018

What Are The Symptoms Of Scabies?

What Are The Symptoms Of Scabies?
What are the early symptoms of scabies?
Is scabies serious?
The core tip: Scabies is caused by scabies mites in the skin layer of contact with contagious infectious skin disease, today let a small series to give you a specific description of scabies symptoms are what.

Scabies is caused by the itch mites in the human skin epidermis layer of contact contagious skin disease, the symptoms are skin itching, in the itching site at the same time a small rash, small blisters or scabs and other skin rash.  It itches very much, usually slightly lighter during the day, heavier night, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, and even blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep mite into the epidermis, generally need to be 20-30 days after the incubation period to appear rash and itching symptoms, today let small series to give you a specific description of scabies symptoms are what.

The first rash is found in the skin moist soft place, such as fingers, wrist part of the skin easily through the main parasitic, and then spread to other parts of the body, such as elbow, waist, armpit, abdomen and vagina and other places. Before liberation, the folk circulated "Scabies like a dragon, first in the hand upward, around three laps in the waist, the leg tie camp". Sulfur ointment can be used to clean, but the alkaline sulfur ointment is too strong, long-term use will stimulate the skin, so it is recommended to use pure Chinese herbal Formula Royal scabies, the effect of scabies is very good.

Note the main symptoms of taboos scabies:

  • (1) Conscious play itching, especially at night. Nocturnal paroxysmal itching.
  • (2) The hand seam can be seen mite tunneling, long about 2~4mm, a grayish brown irregular curve. This is the trace of mite drilling line.
  • (3) The rash is good in the skin tender place, especially in the finger seam, wrist flexion side, small abdomen, breast, armpit, lower abdomen, groin, vagina and so on. The head and palm soles are not susceptible to involvement. Skin lesions are mainly corn size papules or shingles.
  • (4) Scabies nodule. In the scrotum, the penis, the labia, the groin and so on place the soybean size red knot, this is the scabies knot. The nodules are often prolonged and often accompanied by severe itching. The proverb Cloud: "The scabies is one-stop, first from the hand seam line, apron turns three rounds, the vulva ties the camp". This is a very vivid description of the general characteristics of scabies the mite is often parasitic on the thin and soft parts of the skin, such as finger joints and their sides, wrist flexion, cubital, armpit, umbilical circumference, waist, lower abdomen, genitals, groin and upper thigh. The head and face are not involved, but children are exceptional. Skin lesions are the size of the needles in the herpes and herpes. The tunnel excavated by mite can be found at the finger seam and the female worm can be picked out from the tip of the tunnel. This is a special symptom of scabies. Often accompanied by night play itch. Skin lesions, if prolonged, often occur secondary changes, such as scratches, blood scab, point-like pigmentation, eczema-like changes and pus blister. Some patients can appear in the scrotum, penis and other places can be pale or reddish-brown, mung bean to soy large hemispheric inflammatory induration festival, there is a play itch, known as scabies nodules. Another rare type of Norwegian scabies is a severe scabies, which occurs in patients with weak or immune function, which is widespread and has a special odor.
We believe that we have known about scabies through the introduction of the above article. When suffering from scabies, our patient friends must go to the hospital in time to allow doctors to carry out inspection and treatment, timely treatment and inspection can help us improve the condition, not delay treatment, lest cause greater harm, I wish you all patients can recover early health


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