Monday, January 29, 2018

Long Scabies Can't Eat Anything

Long Scabies Can't Eat Anything
Scabies cannot eat anything. Scabies is a skin-type disease
Core tip: Long after scabies people know that the disease is very uncomfortable, itchy skin, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, and also blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep. To cure scabies, we should pay more attention to the food.

Long scabies can't eat what? People who have had scabies know that the disease is very uncomfortable, itchy skin, often because of scratching scratching, bianben scratches, and blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep. To cure scabies, we should also pay more attention to the diet, which food can eat what not to eat, to understand, look at the following:

Long scabies can't eat what? Patients with scabies during treatment should pay attention to the following aspects of dietary attention:

Food Not suitable for eating:

  • 1th, do not eat too spicy stimuli, such as chili, Sichuan flavor hotpot to avoid aggravating the symptoms of itching.
  • 2nd, must avoid drinking.
  • 3rd, do not eat or eat less pig meat, mutton, goose, shrimp, crab, mustard and other FA, so as to avoid stimulating skin lesions and increase itching.

Food suitable for eating:
Food should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, should eat more heat-clearing dampness food, such as loofah, wax gourd, balsam pear, portulaca oleracea, celery, Malan head, Lotus root, watermelon, coix seed, mung bean, Chixiaodou and so on.

We all know that when the scabies is infected, the first symptom is itchy skin, a small rash at the same time of itching, small blisters or scabs and other rashes. Its itch is very drama, the general daytime slightly light, the night is heavier, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, even blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep mite after wearing into the epidermis, Usually after 20-30 days of incubation period to appear rash and pruritus symptoms. Many patients with scabies think that as long as they apply the medicine to the good treatment of scabies, this is a false point of view. Have scabies diet need to pay attention to what helps patients to treat disease, clinical many patients are after several treatment still appeared recurrence, this and the patient diet also has a certain relationship !

Warm tip: For patients with scabies, first of all to pay attention to personal hygiene, and in addition to the diet should be more attention, not appropriate to eat food, resolutely do not eat, so as not to aggravate the illness!


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