Monday, January 29, 2018

The Prevention And Symptom Of Scabies

The Prevention And Symptom Of Scabies
Symptoms of severe scabies
Core tip: Scabies is a highly contagious skin disease, and once it is more painful, this series to introduce the symptoms of scabies and prevention, hope to have the need of friends to find out from their useful information.

Scabies terrible believe that we have already understood, scabies is a kind of contagious disease, is to explain his symptoms and prevention, I hope everyone, especially the people of social attention, do not be infected, if the infection should be treated as soon as possible.

When scabies is infected, the first symptom appears to be itchy skin, with a small rash appearing at the itching site, A rash of small blisters or scabs. Its itch is very drama, the general day slightly light, the night is heavier, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, even blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep, mite after entering the epidermis, generally need 20-30 days after the incubation period to appear rash and pruritus symptoms.

The first rash is found in the moist soft place of the skin, such as between fingers, the skin of the wrist is easy to wear the main parasitic, and then spread to other parts of the body, such as elbow, waist, armpit, abdomen and vulva, etc. before liberation, "Scabies like a dragon, first in the hand up, around the waist three laps, legs on the camp."

Scabies is good at the delicate, wrinkled parts of the skin, the often finger seam begins, 1-2 weeks can be widely transmitted to the upper limb flexion side, cubital, axillary front, under the breast, lower abdomen, hip groove, external genitalia, upper thigh, and other places, and occasionally invade other parts, but do not infringe the head and face, but infant exception, infant skin is relatively delicate, Mite can easily invade the head and face of a child.

Diagnosis of Scabies: Scabies is often accompanied by nocturnal paroxysmal itching, skin lesions are mainly red papules, shingles, small blisters, tunnels, nodules. Scabies nodules are common in the penis, scrotum, abdomen, etc., blisters are common in the fingers, the tunnel is the specific skin lesions of scabies, ca. 0.5mm, slightly uplifted, slightly curved with grayish or skin color, and at the end of the tunnel there is a large gray or reddish dot with a needle, which is a hidden place for mite.
Scabies Laboratory Examination: Scraping the affected spots, blisters and other places in the skin, under the microscope to find mite or eggs; If found in the tunnel, the needle can be used to pick up the closed end, pick the naked eye can see the needle large gray-white dots, under the microscope can be found mite.

Scabies is mainly the scabies mites and the human body closely infected, can also be through clothing, underwear, towels and spread, the female after leaving the human body can survive at least a few days, incubation period of about 1 months, can also be up to 2 months. Severe itching of the skin may be caused by the body's susceptibility to the insect.

Pay attention to personal hygiene, clothing is frequently washed, after the occurrence of patients, should be isolated, and active treatment to eliminate the source of infection, to prevent the spread of infection.

The last small series to tell everyone must develop good health habits, and healthy and clean living conditions. Pay attention to personal hygiene, do not be infected with germs. Pay attention to personal hygiene, do not be infected with germs. The important thing to say three times.


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