Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Baby Has Scabies. What Should I Do?

The Baby Has Scabies. What Should I Do?
How To Help Your Baby With Scabies
Core tip: Scabies is a parasite caused by skin disease, which causes scabies parasites called mite or scabies mites. The parasite is active in the winter, and when it invades the skin, it can cause itching abnormalities. The daytime is better, and the itching will increase at night. Scabies is a contagious skin disease in which people of any age

As the saying goes, the scabies like a dragon, first from the hand upward. Scabies is a common skin disease, the highest incidence rate in winter is caused by the parasite such as scabies mites. Got scabies, the patient will be a number of Xiao Ming bubble, itching abnormalities, and the more itch, to the night due to the vitality of the scabies mites strengthened, it is more people suffer. One-year-old baby if have scabies, because the body itch, plus baby language ability is very poor, will not express, so will be crying all night non-stop, make parents particularly sad. So, what should you do after a year old baby has scabies?

Scabies is a skin disease caused by parasites, scabies mite survival ability is not strong, so although the potential is particularly ferocious scabies, but the treatment is also relatively easy, as long as the mite kill, scabies will naturally be good. The baby has scabies and adults like, is also the use of external medication to treat, the best sulfur ointment, But can not use 10% sulfur ointment, to use 5% sulfur ointment, lest the baby occurs allergy phenomenon. Put sulfur ointment on the part of the baby scabies, wipe a day two or three times, the whole treatment as far as possible without giving the baby a bath.

Generally, the baby will not be itching on the day of the drug, but maybe Mite has not killed, need to continue to go on, at least for more than seven days. The entire treatment period, the baby because does not bathe will appear very dirty, need to change clothes, especially underwear, do one day to change. When the baby's scabies is wiped out. , you can give the baby thoroughly wash a hot bath, and then the scabies contaminated clothes and bedding are also put in hot water, to ensure that the mite all eliminated. After the baby bath disinfection, take care of his adult also thoroughly bathe and disinfect, lest carry on cross-infection.

A year old baby has scabies basically is to use this method to treat, the effect is better, still can not harm the baby's body. In addition, scabies is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads within the family or in a community of people living together. And so baby got scabies, It may have been the people who had been exposed to the long scabies. In some cases, if the baby is exposed to a patient with long scabies, the sore mite on the patient will infect the baby with the contact of the body. In addition, a year old baby because the skin is particularly delicate sensitive, resistance is also relatively poor, it is very easy to infect.


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