Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Medication To Treat Scabies

Medication To Treat Scabies
What Medications Treat Scabies?
How do you know how to pick a drug? Sometimes it is too late to make a decision after listening to the opinions of the people. At this time, it is best to have a platform, can let oneself know the type of drugs and use of the situation, let oneself contrast to use, the knowledge of a number of drugs is very important. So, what are the commonly used external use of scabies? Let us introduce the following.

Scabies is due to skin diseases caused by mite infection, the disease spreads rapidly, scabies is the sign of severe skin itching (especially in the evening), and more rash hair in the skin fold, especially the vagina. Scabies is a disease that spreads through close contact. Scabies is highly contagious and often infects people in a family or dormitory. Mite left the body to survive 2-3 days, so the use of the patient's clothing, bedding, footwear, hats, pillow can also be transmitted indirectly.

Treatment of scabies drugs, commonly used in the following three kinds of drugs for treatment.
1. General use of 10% Sulphur yellow ointment (5% sulfur ointment for infants and young children). Before treatment, use hot water and soap to bathe and then rub the medicine from the neck following the first skin lesions and the whole body. 1-2 consecutive 3-4 days for 1 sessions per day. Do not take a bath during the liniment to maintain the efficacy of the total elimination of skin and clothing of the scabies mites. After two weeks after the end of the course, the new rash should be repeated for a second course.
2.25% benzoic acid benzoate ester Emulsion has good insecticidal ability and no irritation, and 1-2 times a day for 2-3 days.
3, 10%lindane Frost namely r-666 Frost is the most commonly used and most effective killing mite drug this agent can not be used in infants (under 10 years) of pregnancy and nursing women and patients with seizures or other neurological disorders of the use of 10% r-666 cream from the neck below the body besmear 24 hours all wash away the medicine cannot touch the eye and mucous membrane.

So far, the treatment of scabies drugs have been introduced. If there are any questions about drug information, please call 400-007-0958 to consult the relevant pharmacists. Health Encyclopedia Network is the first choice for the national users to purchase medicines online, to ensure that authentic, to ensure that concessions! Health Encyclopedia I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy life.

Prevention Of Scabies

Prevention Of Scabies
Guidelines for Scabies Prevention and Control.

What is Scabies

Scabies is an infectious disease caused by parasitic skin due to mite infection. Mite is invisible to the naked eye of the skin parasite, the size of the adult is about 0.3mm, parasitic on the cuticle of human skin, the parasite will dig under the skin tunnel, will leave eggs and feces caused by the skin of the play itch, if contact with others, easy to cause infection.

Routes of transmission

Scabies is mainly through close contact with the main infection, including direct contact with people or share towels, sheets, quilts, underwear, etc., mite left the human body about two weeks before death, so the mite infection latent clothing in two weeks will also infect others. Commonly living together, the most contagious, often see a family in the home or group living infected with the family, or children from the nanny infection and children and children with each other infection. In addition, the school, the army, the maintenance courtyard, the prison and so on is the scabies good hair place. Scabies can violate anyone, regardless of their standard of living or level of knowledge.

Clinical Symptoms

The skin can be found in millet large small papules, its color slightly red to crimson, visible small blisters or small pus blister. These rashes can cause itching, especially at night, so scratches, crusts or small pigmentation are seen on the skin, resulting in secondary bacterial infections or eczema-like changes as a result of scratching.
Mite like skin folds and soft place, such as finger seam, elbow joint flexion side, wrist joint, armpit, navel around, buttocks, female breast especially nipple, male lower body and surrounding skin especially scrotum, wrapping, glans, serious even skin will infection.

Scabies Diagnosis

Because the mite is invisible to the naked eye, it is necessary to have an experienced dermatologist from head to toe for careful skin examination and detailed interrogation, and ask for symptoms (such as nocturnal itching) and medical history (same symptoms in family or group life) that usually diagnose most cases, and if the doubters sometimes add a simple check, Microscopic observation of the lesions at the light of the skin crumbs, if you see mite worm or eggs, you can diagnose.

Treatment Methods

According to the doctor's instructions smear anti-scabies drug, the patient must bathe every day, the whole body smear once, 8-12 hours after washing off, for a week. And on the "Eighth day" repeat the second course, all treatment time at least two weeks.
Scabies drugs are not available for infants, pregnant or lactating women or for epilepsy and neurological disorders. If there are complications, such as infection, can be cast antibiotics, eczema changes, can be given to antihistamines and short-term steroid ointment. It is noteworthy that people who have the same condition in their family or group life must be treated at the same time and take preventive measures to avoid contagion.

How to prevent

Scabies is an infectious disease, in addition to treatment, must do disinfection, will not infect others or themselves, prevention work as follows: First, personal clothing, sheets or sheets with hot water (60. C above) Hot 10 minutes or boil, then clean.

  • Second, quilts or can not be hot clothing can be placed under the sun exposure or static two weeks do not use, to mite natural death.
  • Third, when the disease does not share with others the bed linen, towel, underwear.
  • Four, not during the onset of public places (such as hotels, restaurants) overnight, or naphthalene warm.
  • Five, Caregivers: care must wear gloves, have been contaminated should be replaced at any time, if there is suspected of the same symptoms, caregivers need a disease to dermatology outpatient treatment
  • Six, infected: pruning nails to avoid scratching the skin caused by two degrees of infection, carefully collected nail crumbs and drop skin crumbs, double plastic bags sealed to avoid others contact and often wash their hands.


First of all to the scabies care should be clean in time, especially for the contaminated clothing, daily necessities to thoroughly disinfect, and to avoid excessive scratching, timely pruning nails to prevent infection, cleaning medicine, bathing and changing clothes must be found in the first time to deal with. Early detection of early treatment is the prevention of Scabies begotten.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Symptoms And Treatment Of Scabies In Children

Symptoms And Treatment Of Scabies In Children
Scabies in Children: What Every Parent Should Know
Core tip: Sores are a kind of invisible to the naked eye, attack the skin of the human body caused itching, baby long scabies how to do.

A sore is a thing unseen by the naked eye, invasion of the human skin caused by itching, will produce mechanical stimulation of the human skin, not to mention the child has the disease, it is unbearable, the disease is infectious strong, through close contact with the spread of disease, and has a great harm, the child got scabies how to do? What are the symptoms. What good methods to treat.

Scabies is caused by a kind of invisible mite-an itch mite that invades the body's skin. Scabies mites parasitic in human and mammal skin epidermis layer, after drilling into the skin, will produce mechanical stimulation of the human skin, resulting in itching skin. The death of the scabies mites and the egg dung of the scabies can cause skin allergy, causing skin pimples, blisters or pimples, accompanied by a strange itch. Scabies mites usually like to invade the skin delicate parts or dirt accumulation, such as fingers, wrist, cubital, armpit, nipple, vulva, groin and other places. Delicate babies are more susceptible to scabies than adults.

Because scabies seriously affects the normal life of the baby, so once the mother found that the baby has scabies, it should be treated immediately. Children used clothing, bedding and other hot washing, disinfection and insecticide. At the same time, children wash hot bath, and then use the sterilization medicine to rub the whole body, after the course of the bath, rinse clean, replaced by disinfection of clothing, and will change the clothes, bedding and so on with boiling water scalding or boiling disinfection. Children's families need to be aware of disinfection and isolation. If someone else is sick at home, they need to be treated at the same time. Children first need to go to the hospital dermatology, according to the doctor's advice adhere to medication, treatment full course. Seriously affect the quality of life. Because of scabies attack, every night itching unbearable, baby mood will be seriously affected, because sleep quality discounts, baby's growth and development will also receive influence.

After the baby has scabies, in addition to parents to active treatment, in daily life care also to take corresponding measures. Scabies patients do not go swimming pool swimming, do not go to the public bathroom bath, so as not to infect others. The patient's clothing, bedding with boiling water hot wash pest, for can not be ironed, can be placed under the sun 1-2 days after exposure. A healthy person cannot use a patient's clothing. Parents usually need to pay attention to the baby's situation.

The Baby Has Scabies. What Should I Do?

The Baby Has Scabies. What Should I Do?
How To Help Your Baby With Scabies
Core tip: Scabies is a parasite caused by skin disease, which causes scabies parasites called mite or scabies mites. The parasite is active in the winter, and when it invades the skin, it can cause itching abnormalities. The daytime is better, and the itching will increase at night. Scabies is a contagious skin disease in which people of any age

As the saying goes, the scabies like a dragon, first from the hand upward. Scabies is a common skin disease, the highest incidence rate in winter is caused by the parasite such as scabies mites. Got scabies, the patient will be a number of Xiao Ming bubble, itching abnormalities, and the more itch, to the night due to the vitality of the scabies mites strengthened, it is more people suffer. One-year-old baby if have scabies, because the body itch, plus baby language ability is very poor, will not express, so will be crying all night non-stop, make parents particularly sad. So, what should you do after a year old baby has scabies?

Scabies is a skin disease caused by parasites, scabies mite survival ability is not strong, so although the potential is particularly ferocious scabies, but the treatment is also relatively easy, as long as the mite kill, scabies will naturally be good. The baby has scabies and adults like, is also the use of external medication to treat, the best sulfur ointment, But can not use 10% sulfur ointment, to use 5% sulfur ointment, lest the baby occurs allergy phenomenon. Put sulfur ointment on the part of the baby scabies, wipe a day two or three times, the whole treatment as far as possible without giving the baby a bath.

Generally, the baby will not be itching on the day of the drug, but maybe Mite has not killed, need to continue to go on, at least for more than seven days. The entire treatment period, the baby because does not bathe will appear very dirty, need to change clothes, especially underwear, do one day to change. When the baby's scabies is wiped out. , you can give the baby thoroughly wash a hot bath, and then the scabies contaminated clothes and bedding are also put in hot water, to ensure that the mite all eliminated. After the baby bath disinfection, take care of his adult also thoroughly bathe and disinfect, lest carry on cross-infection.

A year old baby has scabies basically is to use this method to treat, the effect is better, still can not harm the baby's body. In addition, scabies is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads within the family or in a community of people living together. And so baby got scabies, It may have been the people who had been exposed to the long scabies. In some cases, if the baby is exposed to a patient with long scabies, the sore mite on the patient will infect the baby with the contact of the body. In addition, a year old baby because the skin is particularly delicate sensitive, resistance is also relatively poor, it is very easy to infect.

How To Eliminate Scabies Nodules?

How To Eliminate Scabies Nodules?
How to eliminate scabies nodules
Core tip: How to remove scabies nodules, is all scabies sarcoidosis patients want to know, the current treatment of scabies nodules have a lot of methods, the need for symptomatic treatment is the key

How to eliminate scabies nodules? Scabies nodules the most important manifestation of patients is the disease will be very itchy, especially the night will itch more severe, not only to their health has brought harm to friends and relatives around a certain potential harm! So how to eliminate scabies nodule is the most need to care about the patient know, let's take a look at:

How does scabies knot be removed?

We all know that scabies is caused by mite infection of the skin. Itching is the obvious symptom.
Let's take a look at:

  1. One: We all know that scabies is a result of scabies infection. We should stay away from nightclubs, bars, hotels, internet cafes, swimming halls and other public unhygienic production.
  2. Two: There is the scabies knot must be correct medical treatment, do not use drugs. Do not abuse alcohol, vinegar to insecticide.
  3. Three: In the personal hygiene above, must pay more attention. Hot water to wash sheets and clothes, do not have to iron with an electric iron.
  4. Four: To attach great importance to dare not delay.
Pay attention to diet: eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less spicy greasy excitant food, avoid smoking alcohol, eat less or better not eat beef and mutton fa.
Pay attention to health: usually pay more attention to bed hygiene and personal hygiene. Hot water to wash sheets and clothes, do not have to iron with an electric iron.

  • Patients should be isolated and treated in a timely manner. After the patient effect is obvious, should observe 1 weeks, does not appear the new condition to calculate the effect to be obvious, because mite egg development for the adult needs one week time.
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene, frequent bathing, frequently change underwear, often wash the bedding.
  • After contacting scabies patient, need soap or sulfur yellow soap to wash hands, lest infect. Scabies patients used clothing, bedding, sheets, pillow, towels, etc., must be boiled disinfection, or in the sun full exposure, in order to kill mite and eggs.
  • Families and collective dormitory found that patients should be treated at the same time, to avoid mutual infection and make the condition repeated.
  • Can use hot water immersion or charcoal roast heavy parts, have good curative effect.
Warm tip: Scabies patients in their personal hygiene must pay more attention to the pollution of clothing, quilts must be hot washed with boiling water. For the above, if there is no understanding or do not understand, you can consult online.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Baby Scabies Symptoms

Baby Scabies Symptoms
Scabies in babies
Core tip: Scabies is caused by mite (scabies mites) infected skin dermatosis, acute phlegm itching, infectious large, can be in the family and contacts between the spread, popular. The adult scabies can be diagnosed according to clinical symptoms, good location and rash form, but the infant is not well developed, immune function is low, skin infection and resistance

Scabies is a skin disease caused by the infection of mite (scabies mites). Phlegm is acute, contagious, can be spread between the family and contact, popular. The adult scabies can be diagnosed according to clinical symptoms, good location and skin rash, but the infant is not well developed, immune function is low, the skin is resistant to infection and the ability of resisting mite invasion is poor, In addition, the skin of the whole body is thin and tender, is the mite invasion and parasitic favorable factors, so it is very easy to infect. And the rash of many pan-onset eczema-like changes and accompanied by the wind group-like papules, nodules, symptoms more atypical, to the diagnosis has brought certain difficulties. Therefore, it should be associated with Shi, eczema, itching rash, drug eruption, scar rash like dermatitis, Identification of phlegm-itching disease and papules-oriented measles.


Simple type: mainly papules and mound scar rash. Head and face rash scattered in the trunk of the skin rash dense, often with the wind group papules, finger between the toes have rash like damage.

Eczema-like variant: Papular, papular pleomorphic densely popularized, trunk, armpit, groin, buttocks showed wind-like papules and nodular lesions with erosion erosion or pus-like papules, palpable see Pimples and pus scar, male scrotum, scabies often exist in the skin of the penis.

Infection type: In addition to see the above rash, still concurrent with hair follicle inflammation, pus scar and pus-mad, individual disease children occur lymphatic inflammation or lymphadenitis.

Clinical manifestations:
  1. Fever, body temperature between 38-39 ℃ (anus).
  2. Breastfeeding and/or eating decreased in varying degrees.
  3. Complicated with acute nephritis.
  4. Rash: All cases head face, torso, limbs and external genitalia all see rash.

Skin sores: 

  • With pimples, mounds of rash mainly.
  • With eczema-like changes in the face, abdomen, buttocks and limbs.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Candida infection.

The main clinical feature of infantile scabies is that the rash is easy to eczema and secondary infection. Fever, loss of appetite, and other systemic symptoms also increased, and sometimes can be accompanied by serious complications such as nephritis.

Scabies is caused by mite parasitic skin angle layer, without treatment difficult easy self-healing, because the baby more clothes and sleep, at ordinary times to children observation is not fine, to the child health habit is bad, at the same time because of children in addition to crying irritability, can not express the conscious symptoms of speech, grassroots and non-professional doctors on the disease and lack of clinical experience, And most of the children have been allergic treatment and application of hormone-containing cream outside the skin, it is easy to lead to rash pan-hair protracted. So popularize the knowledge of scabies prevention, it is important to emphasize the early treatment of infantile scabies.

Long Scabies Can't Eat Anything

Long Scabies Can't Eat Anything
Scabies cannot eat anything. Scabies is a skin-type disease
Core tip: Long after scabies people know that the disease is very uncomfortable, itchy skin, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, and also blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep. To cure scabies, we should pay more attention to the food.

Long scabies can't eat what? People who have had scabies know that the disease is very uncomfortable, itchy skin, often because of scratching scratching, bianben scratches, and blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep. To cure scabies, we should also pay more attention to the diet, which food can eat what not to eat, to understand, look at the following:

Long scabies can't eat what? Patients with scabies during treatment should pay attention to the following aspects of dietary attention:

Food Not suitable for eating:

  • 1th, do not eat too spicy stimuli, such as chili, Sichuan flavor hotpot to avoid aggravating the symptoms of itching.
  • 2nd, must avoid drinking.
  • 3rd, do not eat or eat less pig meat, mutton, goose, shrimp, crab, mustard and other FA, so as to avoid stimulating skin lesions and increase itching.

Food suitable for eating:
Food should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, should eat more heat-clearing dampness food, such as loofah, wax gourd, balsam pear, portulaca oleracea, celery, Malan head, Lotus root, watermelon, coix seed, mung bean, Chixiaodou and so on.

We all know that when the scabies is infected, the first symptom is itchy skin, a small rash at the same time of itching, small blisters or scabs and other rashes. Its itch is very drama, the general daytime slightly light, the night is heavier, often because of scratching, bianben scratches, even blood-stained, the patient is difficult to sleep mite after wearing into the epidermis, Usually after 20-30 days of incubation period to appear rash and pruritus symptoms. Many patients with scabies think that as long as they apply the medicine to the good treatment of scabies, this is a false point of view. Have scabies diet need to pay attention to what helps patients to treat disease, clinical many patients are after several treatment still appeared recurrence, this and the patient diet also has a certain relationship !

Warm tip: For patients with scabies, first of all to pay attention to personal hygiene, and in addition to the diet should be more attention, not appropriate to eat food, resolutely do not eat, so as not to aggravate the illness!
